
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Mawmaw to the rescue.. I kept Cohen all day long while his parents were at the lake and Brooklyn joined us for a few hours while her parents took in a movie date and dinner

Breakfast, lunch, and supper. Bottles, naps, and snacks. Playtime, squeals, and fussyness. Stroller rides, rocking chair, and lullabyes. Bath time and bed time.

A full day that was non-stop and I think I actually wore them out.




  1. Sounds like a wonderful day.

  2. What adorable little faces! I know I'm usually the one totally worn out after having the Grandkiddos over. I give you credit for taking on 2 babies at once! I laughed at the previous post...every time our electric goes out I always think the same thing...did I pay the bill? Ha! Glad to know I'm not alone!


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