
Monday, May 9, 2016

The Weekend

You May is loaded with fun so far with a birthday, a play date, a Mother's Day, and a first dance recital. 

A Birthday 
Happy Birthday to our oldest. He's a busy guy with work, family, boating and dirt bike/four wheeler riding interest. 

A Play Date 
Me and my little man spent the day together while his parents were with friends for the Tickfaw 200, an annual fundraiser poker run on the river. That is where boats register with the charity and then make designated stops along the river and collect donations from spectators for the charity. Over four hundred boats from the southeast were registered for this years event. 

I guess you could say this was his parents play date with their friends on a beautiful spring day. 

Our play date was a little different than theirs. We rode bikes, played ball, watered the veggie garden, took a walk around the block and helped ourselves to plenty of snacks. 

It may look dangerous, but no injuries were had during snack time. He just insisted on getting his own cup and bowls and things. 

A Mother's Day 
Everyday is Mother's Day. I don't take one day out of the year to make extra special. Probably because I don't have a living mother or mother figure in my life so I make the most of me being a mother everyday of the year. I cherished all my cards from the day, the lunch, the cake, and spending the day with family. Here's to all Mother's, everyday, all year long. 

A First Dance Recital 
We've waited for this all school year long for her first recital at three and a half years old. And we were not disappointed. 
She gave it her all on stage and off stage.

 Her group performance was to "Who's afraid of the big bad wolf", and they were the little pigs. She was lively and did all her steps to the routine, maybe they weren't all in unison, but they were cute. 

How they act so grown up one minute and then can certainly throw a tantrum the next minute. 

Baby sister was right there to cheer her on. 


  1. You certainly had a wonderful Weekend - - Precious Grandchildren - - You are truly Blessed.

  2. Fun times! Happy Mother's Day and your Grandkiddos are really growing fast and are so cute. It's fun to watch them do all their activities.


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