Sunday, February 28, 2021

Duck duck goose

It looks like spring is here with this quilt I finished a few days ago. It’s certainly spring like with all its pastel colors. 

It’s made completely from all fabric remnants. And of course went together very fast. There’s unicorns, bunnies, frogs, does, lions, elephants, dinos, and little yellow ducks which is how the quilt got its name “Duck, Duck, Goose”.  

It’s in pinks, mint greens, blues, yellows, and polka dots of all sorts. It’s an excellent family cuddle quilt for little ones. 

The polka dot border and binding is my favorite part. So fun and bright. And to think I found these polka dots in my remnants I didn’t even know I had. 

The story for this quilt is to look through your fabric remnants and fabric stash and see what you can put together to create a quick and fun quilt. You may be pleasantly surprised at the finished project, too!


Saturday, February 27, 2021


 Happy Birthday To Me !! I’m thankful to start a new  year in age.  What do we do at the start of each new calendar year? We make new year’s resolutions. So, I’m thinking it’s ok for me to do that in my new birthday year. 

Here’s my list:

1- only 1 take-out food order per week

2- go to bed before 1am 

3- way less time on social media 

I certainly think these are easy to accomplish, but we shall see.

 I like to pick-up dinner. With just two of us it’s so easy to pick-up a little something for dinner or lunch. Then I have more time to do what I want, like sew, quilt, and make quilts.

I’m a nite owl. So it will be hard for me to get to bed at an earlier time. Only because I like to see, quilt, and make quilts. 

I’m a big fan of social media. I like keeping up with everybody and I like googling quilt patterns and images  for new projects and like ordering fabrics for those new projects. 

Ummm, like I said, we shall see how my new year birthday resolutions go. I will definitely be making quilts. 

Friday, February 26, 2021

It’s 2021 plus 2 months

 But...... I’m here. Life is good even tho co-vid has been around for umm how long. I’m not centered on the virus, just doing everyday the best I can. 

There’s a new baby in the family. Wyatt makes #5 for this mawmaw and mawmaw and pawpaw. And we count him a blessing along with all of them. He’s already made one year old!!!

Here’s all 5 of my little and big blessings. I bought matching Christmas pjs for them to wear to take pictures after Thanksgiving Dinner (my plan for my photo Christmas card. You know how everyone sends those beautiful picture perfect photo Christmas cards?) The girls were all smiles and cooperative over and over and over for the pictures and all the retakes. The boys, well, not so cooperative and not any smiles. But that’s ok. 

And, there was New Year’s Eve party pictures with a few of them and me. 

We’ve attended dance recitals, dirt bike racing, and girls softball games. And all these are starting up again for the new year and new season. It’s gonna be some busy weekends for everyone.    

I’ll add in some babysitting, quilt making, and RV camping. Anything that pops up to do or go I’ll be ready to take on. You have to take the opportunity when it arises!