Monday, August 31, 2009

The Destroyer

How does this sweet innocent little face . . . . . . .
turn into this destructive wild thing?

I see toilet paper scattered everywhere. . . hair equipment cord on the floor . . . and looks like that's not all. Molly is left alone all day while Jennifer is at work. She is usually put in her doggie house because she is known to be a destroyer at times. But some magical way she opens her doggie house door and escapes. And this is what Jennifer comes home to on occasion. Never really knowing what she will find when she gets home. And never really knowing if Molly escaped her doggie house during the day.

Memo to Molly: sometimes we just don't need to come home to a messy house at 5pm. We may have company, you know!



  1. Oh no. Not a pretty sight. Years ago we used to come home to a dug up yard each day after work. I used to sit and cry. Our doggie felt so bad but she just couldn't control herself.

  2. Oh dear! Better put a dead bolt on that crate! ☺

    We used to have to bar the cupboards in the bathroom when we would put our kitty in there at night! She loved to get into the Q-tips! ♥

  3. Maybe a bubgee cord on the outside of her home will help

  4. Oh send me the picture of that and the story and I will pout it up on the urblogdog so cute...

  5. our lab used to be a Houdini we got a couple snap clips (like at the end of a leash) and put them on.......she never escaped again...Look Ma! No Thumbs!! heehee

  6. Oh, boy! I recommend a combination lock ;-)

  7. Now, this is hard to deal with, and I don't think that I'd be up to the task.

    Thank you for your prayers yesterday. God answered.

  8. Cute lil messer upper..LOL came over via Lani and now I am following you and this lil booger

  9. Maybe a bubgee cord on the outside of her home will help How to make a website


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