Today we celebrate our 34th year wedding anniversary. It's been great. We would not change not one day. God has truly blessed us in ways beyond our hopes and dreams. We look forward to the next 34!
This scripture has been with me all week. And I thought I would share it along with a commentary I came across:
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If ye, then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?"
The Lord reads the hearts of all men. In all ages He has used human beings to carry out His purposes. He chooses subjects who will not be perverted, who in all righteousness and faith will honour His name.
Through those who voluntarily submit themselves to Him in all matters, who seek Him in faith and hope, He works out His plans. Those who ask because they wish to impart to others will not be disappointed. God will reward those who come to Him in earnest faith. He assures us that the thought of His majesty and sovereignty should not keep us in fear. He will do much more graciously than we suppose if we will come to the footstool of His mercy. He urges His sovereignty as a reason for His great and merciful bountifulness in supplying the demands upon Him. He pledges Himself to hear our prayers, declaring that He will hear them. He condescends to appeal from the instinct of parental tenderness to the infinite benevolence of Him whose we are by creation and by redemption.
He says, "If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him." The needy and soul hungry never plead with God in vain.
In our weakness we are to accept Christ's power. He gives us the assurance, "All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."
In view of this tell me who should wear countenances more bright and cheerful, more full of sunshine, than those who live by faith in the Son of God. In Him the needy and hungry find all their wants supplied. But let us not forget that those whom God has blessed with the good things of this life are to be His helping hand, to supply the necessities of His needy ones. They are to be labourers together with Him. They are His stewards in trust, and are to use their goods for the advancement of His work, that His name may be glorified.
God has given man the richest of His gifts. He reminds us that we have only to ask, and we shall receive; to seek, and we shall find; to knock, and it shall be opened unto us. -Ellen G. White
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Cast your vote for generations of children and their right to live.
I came across this post. Go here and read it.
I came across this post. Go here and read it.
On a different matter, those poor Tigers! They just can't get it together. Hope they win next week.

We watched some of the game at Jennifer & Rob's with Brandon & Julie while having birthday cake and birthday gifts for Trent. Happy Birthday again Trent!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
They just keep coming
The postman came again. I'm really getting to like him. A few days ago he placed another package at my door.
I had enjoyed Debi's fall into fall quilters blog giveaway a few weeks back. She had 50 or more other blogers to join her in a giveaway on each of their blogs. Their blogs showed so much talent and creativity and such beautiful masterpieces. And I was a winner of a give away on one of the participating blogs - Mary Grace's hooked on needles.
That is who my package was from. It was packaged very well, I could hardly rip the covering off.
Ummm is that cinnamon I smell as I opened the box? Yes, the whole box smelled so good.
And look, a beautifully made pin cushion. It opens and closes with a gathering effect. The pin cusion inside with small pockets all around to store sewing thimbles and such, and a little needle keeper book. The fabric she used was magnificant.

And that's not all = cinnamon candles with a glass votive, a spool of autumn ribbon, 5 skiens of embroidary thread in fall colors, apple cidar cinnamon tea packs, 2 singles of autumn fabric, apple motif craft buttons:

I love all the items. And Mary is such a talented and generous lady.
In January their will be a whirl into winter quilters blog give away that you will not want to miss at Debi's. I plan to be a participant in that and host a give away with her whirl into winter quilting giveaway.
I had enjoyed Debi's fall into fall quilters blog giveaway a few weeks back. She had 50 or more other blogers to join her in a giveaway on each of their blogs. Their blogs showed so much talent and creativity and such beautiful masterpieces. And I was a winner of a give away on one of the participating blogs - Mary Grace's hooked on needles.
That is who my package was from. It was packaged very well, I could hardly rip the covering off.
Ummm is that cinnamon I smell as I opened the box? Yes, the whole box smelled so good.
And look, a beautifully made pin cushion. It opens and closes with a gathering effect. The pin cusion inside with small pockets all around to store sewing thimbles and such, and a little needle keeper book. The fabric she used was magnificant.
I love all the items. And Mary is such a talented and generous lady.
In January their will be a whirl into winter quilters blog give away that you will not want to miss at Debi's. I plan to be a participant in that and host a give away with her whirl into winter quilting giveaway.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Trent
Monday, October 20, 2008
Rise and shine
Our usual time to rise and shine is 4am. Only because husband leaves for work right after 4am and when he leaves he wakes me up to say goodbye. I usually stay in bed and go back to sleep but this morning I did rise and shine with him.
How could a little fluff ball be such a tiger?
So I got busy early this morning cleaning house. Not the occasional scrubbing and polishing and mopping and waxing, but the usual pick up, put away, dusting and vacuuming. I went thru every part of the house including porches, carport and even cleaned the dog. Why do I show a picture of the bathroom, you may be asking.
Because after hours of cleaning, when I leave and get back a few hours later this is what I will find - toilet paper roll unrolled, towels pulled down, and even once my make up bag was on the floor with everything scattered.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Another great autumn day
It was 12 noon, Thursday, a work day, time for lunch. I left not knowing what to do for my hour lunch. I rode around the city. It was a pretty fall day, sun shining, 83 degrees. I didn't want to eat. I was bored, lonely, wanted to be anywhere but here. I looked at the clock on the radio, it was 12:56 pm. I was just 4 blocks from work. I headed back to the office. There on the left was a big white bed sheet size sign "yard sale today only". I took the next turn to turn around and go back. This was a nice neighborhood, large houses, nice vehicles, pools in their back yard. Nice tree lined boulevard. You get the picture. I didn't intend on buying anything, my main reason for stopping was just to see the house and the yard. I pulled up in the drive way. There awaiting me was a young man and woman, 3 little boys, lush landscape, iron fence around the pool, just a magazine portrait! As I walked around looking at the sale items, and glimpsing at the house and yard, there it was, my find! Two large, stocky, wood porch rockers. I sat in one. It was so dreamy comfortable. The young man said "they're not too bad are they? $10 apiece." My thoughts raced - I don't need these, I have 2 rockers on my back porch and 2 rockers on my front porch. But my wants said - but you can't pass these up. 20 bucks! If you don't use them, think about your kids and their porches! I told the man, I only have $5 on me. Can you hold the 5 till I go to the ATM. He said just go get the money, they are yours! I went to the atm, paid for the rockers, he loaded them up, and I got to work at 1:09. It couldn't have been a better lunch hour!
They are loaded up and off I go. Just a little bit of polishing up is all they need.
They are loaded up and off I go. Just a little bit of polishing up is all they need.

Friday, October 17, 2008
A very autumn day!
I knew it had to be from Tammy in the Autumn Goody Swap. I've been waiting for it. And it could not have been more perfect.
First a very autumn plaid kitchen towel and 6 cloth autumn napkins with an acorn applique.
Thank you Tammy at art and inspirations for a great swap package!!
My swap package was sent to Lisa and I can't show it until I know she has received it.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I am obsessed with certain things
I do like to have certain things. You could say as a hobby, or as a have to have it, or just can't do without it, or I just love it. And where one is just not enough I have to have as many as I can find, even though I may not have room for any more, let alone I will probably never use it. But just the idea that it is pretty and one more won't hurt. --- My obsession is dinnerware and tea servers.
I can spot them from across the room, whether at a store sale, antique store or flea market or a yard sale. I do have more sets than I will ever use, but one day they will be passed down to my girls. As some of the best were passed down to me from my grandma.
This set was passed to me from my grandma. It's an ice tea set. Some of you may remember Duz Detergent back in the 50's or so. This set was collected from that. (I think that was the name of the detergent, it started with a D I think.) It has a serving pitcher and 10 tumblers and 10 juice glasses. It is glass with silver etched leaves. My grandma gave it to me a long long time ago.

This porcelain rose tea cups and saucers set was also from my grandma. And the tea serving
pitcher set was found at a garage sale.

This dinnerware set is American Rose by Camelot China. I bought it when we first got married to put in our first china cabinet.
This is by Sheffield. I bought this piece by piece at Dillards.

I found this dinnerware at a flea market

This one is stamped on the back "The French Saxon China Co. 22k gold". It has a beautiful pattern edged in the gold. I only have 8 plates, 2 salad plates, 4 sauces, and 1 platter. I bought all except the platter at a neighbors garage sale like 10 years ago and then I spied the platter that I thought was a match in an antique store. I bought it and brought it home and to my pleasure it was a perfect match.

I have acquired 3 sets of silver tea servings. I am searching for a few more to distribute to close family members. Who needs 6 silver tea servings any way!!

I have just a set of 8 plates of this white glass Anchor Hocking which was husbands grandmothers.
And husbands great-grandmothers pretty set of 8 rose bouquet flowered dinnerware. It has no name stamped on it, but I know it is rather old and has great sentimental value. This is usually my everyday dinnerware. I love the old pattern.

I'm always on the look for more!!
I can spot them from across the room, whether at a store sale, antique store or flea market or a yard sale. I do have more sets than I will ever use, but one day they will be passed down to my girls. As some of the best were passed down to me from my grandma.
This set was passed to me from my grandma. It's an ice tea set. Some of you may remember Duz Detergent back in the 50's or so. This set was collected from that. (I think that was the name of the detergent, it started with a D I think.) It has a serving pitcher and 10 tumblers and 10 juice glasses. It is glass with silver etched leaves. My grandma gave it to me a long long time ago.
This porcelain rose tea cups and saucers set was also from my grandma. And the tea serving
pitcher set was found at a garage sale.
This dinnerware set is American Rose by Camelot China. I bought it when we first got married to put in our first china cabinet.
This is by Sheffield. I bought this piece by piece at Dillards.
I found this dinnerware at a flea market
This one is stamped on the back "The French Saxon China Co. 22k gold". It has a beautiful pattern edged in the gold. I only have 8 plates, 2 salad plates, 4 sauces, and 1 platter. I bought all except the platter at a neighbors garage sale like 10 years ago and then I spied the platter that I thought was a match in an antique store. I bought it and brought it home and to my pleasure it was a perfect match.
I have acquired 3 sets of silver tea servings. I am searching for a few more to distribute to close family members. Who needs 6 silver tea servings any way!!
I have just a set of 8 plates of this white glass Anchor Hocking which was husbands grandmothers.
And husbands great-grandmothers pretty set of 8 rose bouquet flowered dinnerware. It has no name stamped on it, but I know it is rather old and has great sentimental value. This is usually my everyday dinnerware. I love the old pattern.
I'm always on the look for more!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Would you like to win

Fixx Autumn Cornucopia Giveaway with 2 winners to be drawn. One prize valued at $389 and the 2nd prize $386. They include too many great items to list. I could fall in love with a Berkley Illustration. So go to and look for the details to enter. Good luck and I hope I win one and you win the other.!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Dinner Guest
Also a few weeks past another grand-dog came to visit when Jennifer & Rob came and I failed to post her picture. So here is Molly. All you can see is her pink tongue when she sticks it out.
Macy is a chihuahua/terrier and Molly is a poo/chon - part poodle part bichon frisse. They are both too cute and so lovable, and I don't have to tell you spoiled.
And I cannot leave out "Poochie", our minuature schnauzer. She does not do well with her visiting relative dogs. She barks constantly and tries to attack them and wrestle them down. But Molly and Macy can hold their own. They play with her toys, eat her food, and drink her water. Then at the end of the day they are best buds.

Monday, October 6, 2008
Party's over, time to get down to business
Week-end full of partying -- Son (in-law)'s birthday celebrated. Also, daughter and son-in-law's 1st wedding anniversary will be Monday. They got their wedding cake top out of our freezer to take home to celebrate. But wait - more birthdays and anniversaries to come later on in the month.
So starting today I need to get down to business and get my swaps finished and in the mail. I have 3 swaps I'm working on. Two of them will be mailed this week and the other one will be mailed a little later.
Also, I have a few quilts in mind to start. Last fall/winter I made three of these duck quilts. One for each of the kids :
This is a close up of a duck square that is in the quilt:

and a swan quilt:

I have 2 more duck quilts ready and I want to make another swan one. So my work is cut out for me for the next few months.
So starting today I need to get down to business and get my swaps finished and in the mail. I have 3 swaps I'm working on. Two of them will be mailed this week and the other one will be mailed a little later.
Also, I have a few quilts in mind to start. Last fall/winter I made three of these duck quilts. One for each of the kids :
and a swan quilt:
I have 2 more duck quilts ready and I want to make another swan one. So my work is cut out for me for the next few months.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Birthday Memories
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