Friday, March 29, 2013


Looking at the calendar March is a very long month.

  • 31 Days
  • 5 Sundays
  • 5 Saturdays
  • 5 Payday Fridays

  • Spring Begins

  • The Easter Season

  • It has actually been the best month of this year so far. 
March has kept me busy with work, babies, birthdays, Easter preparations, a 5k race, and the home front. There are 3 days left in the month for my March Madness.

photo.JPGOne picture from this happy  month.                    
An in and out picture of one of my sisters at the 5k
before we start the race.
It's her birthday month and I'm wishing her a happy birthday.
Gotta love random pictures!


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pink Easter

I am not a photographer. I repeat, I am not a photographer.

I am a lover of photographs, though. I have to have a physical photo, not just kept on my computer or kept on my cell phone till it gets wiped out or kept on an SD or any other hi-tech device. I have to have photo albums and photo boxes.

My latest photo shoot was this week. I couldn't resist. I did get this first shot idea from Pinterest, with my own revisions. Then, we just rolled with it.

Lighting and focus is not my strong point. Though I do try.

I have a lot to learn in photography skills, but these are still a keepsake.

I am linked with 504 Main by Holly..
Tickled Pink Linky Party


Wednesday, March 27, 2013


It's almost here. The day we acknowledge Easter Sunday. Every Easter Sunday of my entire life has been spent celebrating Easter Sunday in both the Christian faith and in the secular activities. Can you do both? Yes. An Easter Sunday service with all emphasis on Jesus dying on the cross, the empty tomb, and his encountering people who knew him before he ascended into the heavens. And then, a family together day with dinner, the easter baskets, candy, new outfits, hiding eggs. It's been a tradition to do both. I can remember from way back when as a child. And I have continue to instill that tradition in our own little family and now in their little families.

I can't wait to share Easter Sunday with these two little ones. One smiles all the time. One will out stare you..

How do you celebrate Easter?

I am linked with The Night Owl Blog Hop and Dysfunction Junction.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Happy Hopping Bunny Banner

Making a bunny banner, (at the last minute), is simple, easy, quick and fun.  Ideas are everywhere in magazines, on tutorials on the internet, and believe it or not you have some ideas in your head. Use your imagination. Use what you have in your craft stash.

This is how my bunny banner was made. The picture  collage is numbered and the numbers correspond to the following.

picstitch.jpg1) Supplies need: bunny template, card stock, scissors, hole punch, pencil, and roll of some type of ribbon, twine, etc. You could use printed scrapbook paper in place of the card stock or spray adhesive to the paper and adhere printed fabric to the paper. I had a spool of wired pom poms that I used to string my bunny banner together.

2) Cut bunny template out. Trace and cut out the bunnies.

3) Have a nice stack of bunnies ready for stringing together.

4) Hole punch 2 holes between the ears on each bunny. Begin stringing the bunnies together from the back of the bunny.

5) Voila! A hopping bunny banner sure to add a cuteness to your Easter celebration.
I am linked with Oh Happy Day and A Crafty Soirée


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Oh Happy Day

It's been a blur for 10 days now. Nothing but work 10 days in a row. Nothing but work 10-11 hours a day.
I  even missed the first day of really knowing its spring with everything being a neon yellow-green with the pollen coating every single thing. Although, deep down inside, I really like the first sight of pollen.

That is all behind me now. The daylight savings time change is being enjoyed immensely. The pollen is being swept, blown and washed away. And I am getting the outside garden fever. It's all  coming back to me now. And I am happy once again.

Working a lot now and then is fine. Cause it's really all about the money you know. Well, it is for me. I work and in return I receive money. That's how I survive. So a little bit of extra work for a short time equals a little bit of extra cash. Simple!

I am refreshed now. A nice long deep breath. Back on schedule. Ready to welcome spring. Easter projects all lined up. I missed life. Was it worth it? Sometimes a girl has to do what a girl has to do.

Easter baskets are going to be gift bags of the Easter variety. Purchased for $1 each at the Dollar Tree. My thoughts are that the parents of my babies don't need extra real Easter baskets to store or stash away every year. So my intentions are these bags can easily be stored, recycled, or even in the garbage if babies destroy them. Since babies don't eat choco Easter bunnies and candy, these are filled with baby friendly items as disposable bibs, baby Gerber snacks, summer outfit,  summer sun caps for him and head bows for her.  They are cute. Better get yours now. They sell out fast.

photo.JPGGot greeting cards signed and addressed and ready to be mailed. Some family and friends are celebrating wedding anniversary and birthday. There are special Easter Cards to mail to special people. And a congrats card, too.  All different colored envelopes mimic the dyed eggs that will be done next week. Even though I mail greetings thru the USPS, I will still contact them via phone, text, facebook, blog, in person (hopefully), and all the other contactable ways that we use everyday. So they get extra greetings for the special day.

Only a few things left for March projects to do.  There will be a few Easter decorations I need to finish and show you and the fun project of dyeing eggs for Easter Day.

I am linked with Oh Happy Day.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Last Wednesday was the best day of February. Birthday happiness for me  lasted thru the weekend. Big and little surprises have been mine for 5 days. The author of Sharing Daily Steps, has proved herself again by showering me with touches of bday surprises day after day . Being all about family probably has a lot to do with it.

I share my Bday with the author of 40 Shades of Pink. We haven't met for our bday celebration yet, but it is on the agenda. We have been doing this for quite a few years.  A few of us will gather and eat for a ladies day for a sweet Bday time and just being ourselves. Being all about family probably has a lot to do with it, too.

Add to all this  another Bday 3 days after mine. That would be Julie. We share a cake, a meal out with family, and a gift or two.  Being all about family probably has a lot to do with this, also.

There was 2 cakes, candy and cards and cash, books and calendars, kitchen gadgets and cooking goodies, and gift cards just to name a few of my gifts for the week. I like birthdays!

It was a Happy Bday to me and all those I shared it with.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

After the Race

The race has come and gone. I was ready for it. But it certainly was here before I knew it.

The Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure was Saturday at LSU.  7am came bright and early for the time for us to meet and leave to arrive for the early bird specials like visiting all the sponsoring tents for freebies; to enjoy the band while we mingled around until the 8.30 5k staring time.

Our team was at the starting line ready to go. My idea of a Saturday race day was to be warm, sunny, and fast. The real race day turned out to be around 40 degrees to start with. It was sunny with blue skies and windy. So instead of my idea of our team in matching t-shirts, it was each one for herself in layered shirts, jacket and hoodies and warm long pants.


The runners were as far as you could see front and rear. See, we really weren't the first in line.

So from the starting point, thru the campus, around Tiger Stadium, up the hill, around the lakes,and Sorority Row,  to the finish line, we made it. We really didn't  run. We were a fast paced walker.


As we came thru the finish line, the clock showed 1:12:26. So that is approximately 20 minutes per mile for us in a group of approximately 10,000 people, of which only a few experienced runners raced for their best time to compete for medals in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in their age category.

To sum it up:
  my first 5k
  my training for about 6 weeks got me running 1 mile in just a wee over 12 minutes
  we didn't actually run in this 5k, we walked at a fast pace among 10,000 participants
  it was a fun experience to raise money for a cure


Have to show my team t-shirt design. White shirt is the affliate t-shirt we got when signing up. The green shirt is our team t-shirt design.


Seeing the finish line I felt like I could go another 5K. It was fun with great team mates.


The end result was to share in Race for the Cure.
The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® Series, the largest series of 5K runs/fitness walks in the world, raises significant funds and awareness for the fight against breast cancer, celebrates breast cancer survivorship and honors those who have lost their battle with the disease. Since its inception in 1983, the Komen Race for the Cure series has grown from one local Race with 800 participants to a global series of more than 120 Races with more than 1 million people expected to participate in 2013.

 I am linking with  A Sorta Fairytale.
