Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Merry Month of May

May has slipped by and a few happenings were left out of my documentation of life.

Birthday bash for Brandon:
An adult child in the family had a birthday. This made 34 birthdays in his lifetime. We celebrated well with a little oooing & ahhhhing over his life achievements with food, cake, and gifts. 
Happy Birthday.

(That makes mom seem old. But I am only as old as I feel. And I don't feel old at all.)

New house for Trent:
Another adult child in the family bought a new house. We helped him move in and set up housekeeping.  This is the model home. His is similar. 

Of course I babysat:
For my own remenescing, I have some little ones picture of our play date. 
I call them my AR (Accelerated Readers). FYI: AR is a school implemented reading program which my kids were in in their elementary days; and it's still a part of the classroom today. I'm starting these two out early. 

Enjoying snack time.

And primping in the mirror.

And the next two pictures. 

And taking care of stuff going on that one does just because it comes up and needs ones' attention. 


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