We're tripping to Pigeon Forge in the RV.

It continuously changes colors in different color patterns. Each gondola is glass enclosed and temperature controlled ride. I rode it all alone. But it's pretty.

Arriving on a Friday and getting set up in Bear Cove RV Resort found the temperature dropping and clouds in the sky. We took the trolley to The Island at Pigeon Forge.
It's an attraction of food, shop, and play. That's what we did. The Smokey Mountain Wheel was the center attraction.

It continuously changes colors in different color patterns. Each gondola is glass enclosed and temperature controlled ride. I rode it all alone. But it's pretty.

My view from the ride.

There was a dancing colorful fountain show performing to music. Very pretty.

So we ate. Walked the shops. And I rode a ride or two. Then we took the trolley back. And settled in for a chilly night with the Poochie Dog as she so patiently waits for our return to the camper. I don't know if she barks or howls or creates a scene while we gone. Hope not.

Looks like ya'll are having a very Enjoyable time - - The Temperature is Great ! You two Retirees & Poochie Dog are Blessed! Happy Anniversary !