#1 was for my daughter's neighbor's baby shower for her baby boy. I was given full roll on color, theme, etc. All her requests was if I would make her something for a baby shower for a boy.

And I added two matching burp cloths just because I couldn't get enough of the dinosaurs.

#2 was for my daughter-in-law's friend's new baby boy. She ordered the fabric off Etsy cause it had to be a specific theme. I stitched it up and oh so pretty it became. No picture of the finished piece, but the fabric was navy, tan, and white with tan minky backing.

One for a girl. One for a boy.

I had to add fabric to my stash cause she only sent fat quarters, which wasn't quite enough. She supplied fleece for the backings.
This for baby girl.

With the pretty coral back.

And for baby boy.

And the pretty green/real backing.

#5, #6, and #7 was a brainstorm idea of my daughter and me. She wanted new covers for her girls beds for their new house. We agree on a carousel horse theme. And she gave me the go ahead on my choice of design and fabrics. I had a vision and altered it as I went step by step. I found carousel horse fabric for a stuffed project on etsy. I ordered all 4 they had cause I thought I might have a future use for them.

Two made for two twin beds.

I made another one baby quilt size for my other daughter-in-law's sister who's expecting a baby girl.

The fabric is laid out a little different on the baby one.
They are all given out to the respective babies and little girls. I really like them all. Which do you like?