Friday, January 11, 2019

Hope with all your heart

I  joined Project Quilting 10 for six challenges in twelve weeks with a deadline of seven days for each project. Project 10.1 is about hope,  Hope Springs Eternal. After a lot of ideas that wasn't manageable in 7 days I went with "hope with all your heart". Hope and heart go together. When I have hope, I'm hoping with all my heart.

I pulled out coordinating pinks to do the heart and had to buy the background fabric and fell in love with it being mint green crushed ice.

The entire top was easy using 3" wide strips in varying lengths from 4" to 12" from the pinks and the mint. I layed out the pinks in lines to form a heart with staggering edges then extended the lines with the mint to the edge of the quilt.

I played with it day and night for four days to cut and layout and sew together and quilt and bind . And its done! Measuring in at 64"x75".

I'm loving it.

And there's a plus. It also makes the cut for my valentine quilt I wanted to make.

Super, super, super big easy project in four days.



  1. Wow I thought I was crazy to tackle a small throw really went all out and sewed a big beautiful quilt! Way to go.

  2. great work! So happy you joined in the pq fun!

  3. This is beautiful! Love your colors. And, I agree, hope is with all our hearts!


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