Monday, April 12, 2021

Old and familiar

 The Dresden Plate quilt block reminds me of my grandma. It’s one of those patterns that is from another era, the 20’s and 30’s. I made my blocks a few years back and put them together and they just sat there. Until now. 

It would still be waiting to be quilted had I went to the dirt bike races and softball games for some of my little ones. But I missed all that fun and finished up this quilt instead. 

It’s been awhile since I made the top. I actually don’t remember how hard it was with the center circle and the connecting pieces. But boy am I glad to have it quilted and folded and added to my stash. 

No one has claimed it yet. But I’m sure one day someone will love it for it’s nostalgia and give it some love. But for now it’s mine! 


1 comment:

  1. It's beautiful! You are so talented and I'm betting it gets claimed quickly!


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