Thursday, April 1, 2010

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16, New International Version

That sums it up: God gave his only son to be born in Bethlehem, to live on this earth teaching and healing, to die on the cross for our sins and his body placed in the tomb, and He arose from death to live again, just for us, if we only believe.

So while we enjoy the Easter weekend with Easter Sunday Service, bunnies, eggs, and candy; let's praise God and thank Him for his Son.

P.S.  My kids still take pictures with the Easter Bunny. This is Jennifer at work at the hospital  posing with Bunny...
(sorry about blurry picture)


  1. You are never too old to feel small.
    Happy Easter Gin!

  2. And, I hope you and your family had a wonderful Sunday as we celebrated the Resurrection of our Risen Lord. And, I hope the child-like (Easter Bunny) always remains in Jenn's heart - she is one special lady! Luv ya much! Peg
    P.S. - Do you know there was a Bunny Rabbit not far from my back door on Easter Sunday Morning! Amazing !

  3. Miss you. . . you must be very busy or I know you would be swappin. Let me know how you are doing.

  4. Thanks, Gin, for stopping by my blog. Hope you and your family's doing well. Hope you had a nice Easter.

    Been thinking of you,
    Doris :-)


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