This week I'm hatching some spider eggs.

I got the inspiration from Martha Stewart. But I'm doing it my way, no plaster and I'm missing a few other supplies, but they came out cute.
Supplies needed:
small white balloons
plastic spiders
glitter paint
crazy glue or tape
red, green, orange and black markers
spider web
urn or bowl or some sort of container
- blow up balloons. with colored marker shade in a peeled crack in the egg. with black marker make crack lines around the peeled crack.
- paint spiders with glittered paint
- attach dry spider with crazy glue to the balloon near the "peeled crack"
- place moss in container, place "eggs" on moss. and drape the spider web over and around the eggs and urn. The web will help hold the light airy balloons down.
I'm not through yet. I also want to hang a giant momma spider over the nest of eggs.
Is this Halloween scary or what!!
Go here to see other project participants or link up to share your scary scene.
oh wow...that is a neat idea. I'd love to see a photo of it lit up at night!